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About the
Nave's Topical Index
for the HTML Bible

The Nave's Topical Index for the HTML Bible has been placed under copyright © 2000 by Each copy you possess is licensed to you in accordance with our Licensing Agreement, and only if you have made a $5.00 payment for the software to the following address:
PO Box 31
Elmwood, TN 38560

To Install the Nave's Topical Index

After downloading, create a folder inside the HTML Bible folder on your c: drive (that is, make this folder a sub-folder of the HTML Bible.) Name this folder "nave" - all lower case. It is very important that you name the folder correctly.

Unzip the three download files using WinZip or equivalent. Put the files in the nave folder.

If you install the nave folder in the Parallel New Testament HTML Bible, or in the Greek New Testament HTML Bible, the Old Testament references will not work.

To Use the Nave's Topical Index

Open the index.htm file in the nave folder with your browser.

Last Updated May 6, 2000
Created by, Elmwood TN, USA