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A people inhabiting the country south of Idumea and east of the Red Sea - Nu 13:29; 14:25; 1Sa 15:7; 27:8

Defeated by Chedorlaomer - Ge 14:7

Defeated by Joshua - Ex 17:8,13

Defeated by Gideon - Jud 7

Defeated by Saul - 1Sa 14:47,48; 15:1-33

Defeated by David - 1Sa 27:8,9; 30:1-20

Defeated by the Simeonites - 1Ch 4:42,43

Defeat the Israelites - Nu 14:45; Jud 3:13

Israel commanded to destroy - De 25:17-19; 1Sa 28:18

Prophecies against - Ex 17:14,16; Nu 24:20

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