Nave's Topical Index

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(A weapon)

Used in hunting - Ge 21:20; 27:3

Used in war - 1Sa 31:3; 2Sa 22:15; 1Ki 22:34; 2Ki 19:32; Ps 7:13; Isa 22:3; Jer 51:3

Divination by - Eze 21:21

Shot by Jonathan as a sign to David - 1Sa 20:20-42

Shot by Joash as a sign against the Syrians - 2Ki 13:14-19

FIGURATIVE - Nu 24:8; De 32:23,42; Job 6:4; Ps 11:2; 21:12; 38:2; 45:5; 57:4; 58:7; 91:5; 120:4; 144:6; Pr 25:18; La 3:12,13; Eze 5:16; Hab 3:11

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