Nave's Topical Index

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Torrey's - Calf of Gold




Offered in sacrifice - Mic 6:6

Golden, made by Aaron - Ex 32; De 9:16; Ne 9:18; Ps 106:19; Ac 7:41

Images of, set up in Beth-el and Dan by Jeroboam - 1Ki 12:28-33; 2Ki 10:29

Worshiped by Jehu - 2Ki 10:29

Prophecies against the golden calves at Beth-el - 1Ki 13:1-5,32; Jer 48:13; Ho 8:5,6; 10:5,6

Altars of, destroyed - 2Ki 23:4,15-20

"Calves of the lips," a metaphor signifying worship - Ho 14:2

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