Nave's Topical Index

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Previous topic (Childlessness )Torrey's - Children
Torrey's - Children, Good
Torrey's - Children, Wicked




In answer to prayer

Treatment of, at birth - Eze 16:4-6; Lu 2:7,12

Circumcision of


Dedicated to God in infancy

Promised to the righteous - De 7:12,14; Job 5:25; Ps 128:2,3,4,6

Weaning of - Ge 21:8; 1Sa 1:22; 1Ki 11:20; Ps 131:2; Isa 28:9

Nurses for - Ex 2:7-9; Ac 7:20; Ru 4:16; 2Sa 4:4; 2Ki 11:2

Taught to walk - Ho 11:3

Tutors and governors for - 2Ki 10:1; Ac 22:3; Ga 3:24; 4:1,2

Bastard, excluded from the privileges of the congregation - De 23:2; Heb 12:8

Early piety of

Jesus - Lu 2:40,46,47,52

Difference made between male and female, in Mosaic law - Le 12

Partiality of parents among

Partiality among, forbidden - De 21:15-17

Love of, for parents

Sacrificed - 2Ki 17:31; Eze 16:20,21

Caused to pass through fire - 2Ki 16:3; Jer 32:35; Eze 16:21

Sold for debt - 2Ki 4:1; Ne 5:5; Job 24:9; Mt 18:25

Sold in marriage, law concerning - Ex 21:7-11

Instance of, Leah and Rachel - Ge 29:15-30

Edict to murder


Share benefits of covenant privileges guaranteed to parents - Ge 6:18; 12:7; 13:15; 17:7,8; 19:12; 21:13; 26:3-5,24; Le 26:44,45; Isa 65:23; 1Co 7:14

Bound by covenants of parents - Ge 17:9-14

Involved in guilt of parents - Ex 20:5; 34:7; Le 20:5; 26:39-42; Nu 14:18,33; 1Ki 21:29; Job 21:19; Ps 37:28; Isa 14:20,21; 65:6,7; Jer 32:18; Da 6:24

Not punished for parents' sake - Jer 31:29,30; Eze 18:1-30

Death of, as a judgment upon parents

Character of, known by conduct - Pr 20:11

Blessed by Jesus - Mt 19:13-15; Mr 10:13-16; Lu 18:15,16

Future state of - Mt 18:10; 19:14

Minors - Ga 4:1,2

Of ministers - 1Ti 3:4; Tit 1:6

Alienated, Ishmael, to gratify Sarah - Ge 21:9-15

Amusements of - Job 21:11; Zec 8:5; 11:16,17; Lu 7:31,32



THE GIFT OF GOD - Ge 4:1,25; 17:16,20; 28:3; 29:32-35; 30:2,6,17-20,22-24; 33:5; Ru 4:13; Job 1:21; Ps 107:38,41; 113:9; 127:3

GOD'S CARE OF - Ex 22:22-24; De 10:18; 14:29; Job 29:12; Ps 10:14,18; 27:10; 68:5; 146:9; Jer 49:11; Ho 14:3; Mal 3:5

A BLESSING - Ge 5:29; 30:1; Ps 127:3-5; Pr 17:6; Isa 54:1; Jer 20:15

COMMANDMENTS TO - Ex 20:12; Le 19:3,32; De 5:16; Ps 119:9; 148:12,13; Pr 1:8,9; 3:1-3; 4:1-4,10,11,20-22; 5:1,2; 6:20-25; 8:32,33; 23:22,26; 27:11; Ec 12:1; La 3:27; Mt 15:4; 19:19; Mr 10:19; Lu 18:20; Eph 6:1-3; Col 3:20; 1Ti 4:12; 2Ti 2:22; Tit 2:6

COUNSEL OF PARENTS TO - 1Ki 2:1-4; 1Ch 22:6-13; 28:9,10,20

INSTRUCTION OF - Ex 13:8-10,14-16; De 4:9,10; 6:6-9; 11:19,20; 31:12,13; Jos 8:35; Ps 34:11; 78:1-8; Pr 1:1,4; 22:6; Isa 28:9,10; Joe 1:3; Joh 21:15; Ac 22:3


PRAYER IN BEHALF OF - Ge 17:18; 2Sa 12:16; 1Ch 22:12; 29:19; Job 1:5

PROMISES AND ASSURANCES TO - Pr 3:1-10; 8:17,32; 23:15,16,24,25; 29:3; Isa 40:11; 54:13; Mt 18:4,5,10; 19:14,15; Mr 9:37; 10:13-16; Lu 9:48; 18:15,16; Ac 2:39; 1Jo 2:12,13

OF THE RIGHTEOUS, BLESSED OF GOD - Ge 6:18; 7:1; 12:7; 13:15; 17:7,8; 19:12,15,16; 21:13; 26:3,4,24; Le 26:44,45; De 4:37; 10:15; 12:28; 1Ki 11:13; 15:4; 2Ki 8:19; Ps 37:26; 102:28; 103:17,18; 112:2,3; Pr 3:33; 11:21; 12:7; 13:22; 20:7; Isa 44:3-5; 65:23; Jer 32:39; Ac 2:39; 1Co 7:14

CORRECTION OF - Pr 13:24; 19:18; 22:15; 23:13,14; 29:15,17; Eph 6:4; Col 3:21

PUNISHMENT OF - Ex 21:15,17; Le 20:9; De 21:18-21; 27:16; Mt 15:4; Mr 7:10


UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO - Ne 12:43; Ps 8:2; Pr 10:1; 13:1; 15:5,20; 28:7; Ec 4:13; Mal 1:6; Mt 21:15,16


WICKED - Ge 8:21; Ex 21:15,17; Nu 32:14; De 21:18-21; 27:16; Job 13:26; 19:18; 20:11; 30:1,12; Ps 144:7,8,11; Pr 7:7; 10:1; 13:1; 15:5,20; 17:2,21,25; 19:13,26; 20:20; 22:15; 23:22; 28:7,24; 30:11,17; Ec 11:9,10; Isa 3:5; Jer 3:25; 7:17,18; 32:30; Eze 22:7; Mic 7:6; Mr 7:10; 13:12; Ro 1:30; 2Ti 3:2

WORSHIP, ATTEND DIVINE - Jos 8:35; 2Ch 20:13; 31:16; Ezr 8:21; Ne 8:2,3; 12:43; Mt 21:15; Lu 2:46

SYMBOLICAL OF THE REGENERATED - Mt 18:2-6; Mr 9:36,37; 10:15; Lu 9:46-48

FIGURATIVE - 1Co 13:11; 14:20; 1Pe 2:2



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