Nave's Topical Index

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Worship of - Le 17:7; De 32:17; 2Ch 11:15; Ps 106:37; Mt 4:9; Lu 4:7; 1Co 10:20,21; 1Ti 4:1; Re 13:4

Worship of, forbidden - Le 17:7; Zec 13:2; Re 9:20

Possession by, instances of

Two men of the Gergesenes (Gadarenes, Gerasenes) - Mt 8:28-34; Mr 5:2-20

The deaf man - Mt 9:32,33

The deaf and blind man - Mt 12:22; Lu 11:14

The daughter of the Syrophoenician woman - Mt 15:22-29; Mr 7:25-30

The epileptic boy - Mt 17:14-18; Mr 9:17-27; Lu 9:37-42

The man in the synagogue - Mr 1:23-26; Lu 4:33-35

Mary Magdalene - Mr 16:9; Lu 8:2,3

The herd of swine - Mt 8:30-32

Cast out by Jesus - Mt 4:24; 8:16; Mr 3:22; Lu 4:41

Power over, given the disciples - Mt 10:1; Mr 6:7; 16:17

Cast out

Disciples could not expel - Mr 9:18,28,29

Sceva's sons exorcise - Ac 19:13-16

Parable of the man repossessed by unclean spirits - Mt 12:43-45

Jesus falsely accused of being possessed of - Mr 3:22-30; Joh 7:20; 8:48; 10:20

Testify to the divinity of Jesus - Mt 8:29; Mr 1:23,24; 3:11; 5:7; Lu 8:28; Ac 19:15

Adversaries of men - Mt 12:45

Sent to foment trouble between Abimelech and the Shechemites - Jud 9:23

Messages given false prophets by - 1Ki 22:21-23

Believe and tremble - Jas 2:19

To be judged at the general judgment - Mt 8:29; with 2Pe 2:4; Jude 1:6

Punishment of - Mt 8:29; 25:41; Lu 8:28; 2Pe 2:4; Jude 1:6; Re 12:7-9


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