Nave's Topical Index

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Forbidden as food - Le 11:13; De 14:12

The swift flight of - De 28:49; Job 9:26; Pr 30:19; Jer 4:13; 49:22; La 4:19

The nest of - De 32:11; Job 39:27-30; Jer 49:16

Carries her young upon her wings - Ex 19:4; De 32:11

The long life of - Ps 103:5

The molting of - Mic 1:16

Gier-eagle - Le 11:18

FIGURATIVE - Ex 19:4; De 32:11; Jer 48:40; Ho 8:1

SYMBOLICAL - Eze 1:10; 10:14; 17:3; Da 7:4; Re 4:7; 12:14

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