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Also called EDOM

Descendants of Esau - Ge 36

Kings of - Ge 36:31-39; Nu 20:14; 1Ch 1:43-50; Eze 32:29; Am 2:1

Dukes of - Ge 36:9-43; Ex 15:15; 1Ch 1:51-54

Land of - Ge 32:3; De 2:4,5,12

Protected by divine command from desolation by the Israelites - De 2:4-6

From being held in abhorrence by the Israelites - De 23:7

Refuse to the Israelites passage through their country - Nu 20:18-21

Saul makes war against - 1Sa 14:47

David makes conquest of - 1Ki 11:14-16; 1Ch 18:11-13

Garrisons - 2Sa 8:14

Writes battle songs concerning his conquest of - Ps 60:8,9; 108:9,10

Become confederates of Jehoshaphat - 2Ki 3:9,26

Ruled by a deputy king - 1Ki 22:47

The Lord delivers the army of, into the hands of Jehoshaphat - 2Ch 20:20,23

Revolt in the days of Joram - 2Ki 8:20-22; 2Ch 21:8-10

Amaziah, king of Judah, invades the territory of - 2Ki 14:5-7,10; 2Ch 25:11,12; 28:17

Join Babylon in war against the Israelites - Eze 35:5; Am 1:9-11; Ob 1:11-16

A Jewish prophet in Babylon denounces - Ps 137:7; Eze 25:12-14; 35:3-10

Children of the third generation could be received into the congregation of Israel - De 23:8

Prophecies concerning - Ge 25:23; 27:29,37-40; Nu 24:18; Isa 11:14; 21:11,12; 34; 63:1-4; Jer 9:25,26; 27:1-11; 49:7-22; La 4:21,22; Eze 25:12-14; 32:29,30; 35; 36:5; Joe 3:19; Am 1:11,12; 9:12; Ob 1:21; Mal 1:2-5

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