Nave's Topical Index

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Previous topic (Fear Of God )Torrey's - Feasts of Trumpets, The
Torrey's - Feasts, The Anniversary




Ancient customs at

Men and women attend - Ex 32:6; with 32:2,3; Da 5:1-3

Riddles propounded at - Jud 14:12

Marriage feasts provided by the bridegroom - Jud 14:10,17

Guests arranged according to age - Ge 43:33

Rank - 1Sa 9:22; Lu 14:8-10

Reclined on couches - Am 6:4,7; Lu 7:38; Joh 13:25

Served in one dish - Mt 26:23

Were presided over by a master of ceremonies - Joh 2:8,9

Host served - Ge 18:8

Wine served at - Es 5:6; 7:7

Music at - Isa 5:12; Am 6:4,5; Lu 15:25

Dancing at - Mt 14:6; Lu 15:25

Given by kings - 1Sa 20:5; 25:36; 2Sa 9:10; 1Ki 2:7; 4:22; 18:19; Es 1:3-8; Da 5:1-4

Drunkenness at - 1Sa 25:36; Es 1:10; Da 5:1-4

Covenants ratified by - Ge 26:28-30

Celebrations by

FIGURATIVE - Mt 22:1-14; Lu 14:16-24; Re 19:9,17


(Instituted by Moses)



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