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One of the five chief cities of the Philistines - Jos 13:3; 1Sa 6:17; Am 6:2; Mic 1:10

Anakim, a race of giants, inhabitants of - Jos 11:22

Goliath lived in - 1Sa 17:4; 1Ch 20:5-8

Obed-edom belonged to - 2Sa 6:10

The ark of the covenant taken to - 1Sa 5:8

Inhabitants of, called GITTITES - Jos 13:3

David takes refuge at - 1Sa 21:10-15; 27:2-7

Band of Gittites, attached to David - 2Sa 15:18-22

Captured by David - 1Ch 18:1

Shimei's servants escape to - 1Ki 2:39-41

Fortified by Rehoboam - 2Ch 11:8

Captured by Hazael - 2Ki 12:17

Recovered by Jehoash - 2Ki 13:25

Besieged by Uzziah - 2Ch 26:6

Called METHEGAMMAH in - 2Sa 8:1

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