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King of Judah and successor to Jehoiakim - 2Ki 24:6-8; 2Ch 36:8,9

Called JECONIAH - 1Ch 3:16; Jer 24:1

Called CONIAH - Jer 22:24; 37:1

Wicked reign of - 2Ki 24:9; 2Ch 36:9

Nebuchadnezzar invades his kingdom, takes him away captive to Babylon - 2Ki 24:10-16; 2Ch 36:10; Es 2:6; Jer 27:20; 29:1,2; Eze 1:2

Confined in prison for thirty-seven years - 2Ki 25:27

Released from prison by Evil-merodach, and promoted above other kings, and honored until death - 2Ki 25:27-30; Jer 52:31-34

Prophecies concerning - Jer 22:24-30; 28:4

Sons of - 1Ch 3:17,18

Ancestor of Jesus - Mt 1:12

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