Nave's Topical Index

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Appeared on the third creative day - Ge 1:9

Original title to, from God - Ge 13:14-17; 15:7; Ex 23:31; Le 25:23

Bought and sold - Ge 23:3-18; 33:19; Ac 4:34; 5:1-8

Sale and redemption of, laws concerning - Le 25:15,16,23-33; 27:17-24; Nu 36:4; Jer 32:7-16,25,44; Eze 46:18

Conveyance of, by written deeds and other forms - Ge 23:3-20; Ru 4:3-8,11; Jer 32:9-14

Witnessed - Ge 23:10,11; Ru 4:9-11; Jer 32:9-14

Sold for debt - Ne 5:3-5

Rights in, alienated - 2Ki 8:1-6

Leased - Lu 20:9-16; Mt 21:33-41

Priests' part in - Ge 47:22; Eze 48:10

King's part in - Eze 48:21

Widow's dower in - Ru 4:3-9

Unmarried woman's rights in - Nu 27:1-11; 36:1-11

To rest every seventh year for the benefit of the poor people - Ex 23:11

Products of, for all - Ec 5:9

Monopoly of - Ge 47:20-26; Isa 5:8; Mic 2:1,2


Rules for apportioning Canaan among the tribes


See - Eze 47:22

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