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(The following modern equivalents of ancient measurements are based upon the latest research, and are as correct as is possible at this time)


1. A bushel, about a peck - Mt 5:15; Mr 4:21; Lu 11:33

2. A cab, or kab, about two quarts - 2Ki 6:25

3. A cor, equal to one homer or ten ephahs, equal to about eleven and one-ninth bushels - 1Ki 4:22; 5:11; 2Ch 2:10; 27:5; Ezr 7:22

4. An ephah, equal to three seah, and in liquid, to a bath, containing about a bushel and a half - Ex 16:36; Le 5:11; 6:20; 19:36; Nu 5:15; 28:5; Jud 6:19; Ru 2:17; 1Sa 1:24; 17:17; Isa 5:10; Eze 45:10,11,13,24; 46:5,7,11,14; Am 8:5; Zec 5:6-10

5. A half-homer, about five and a half bushels - Ho 3:2

6. A homer, about eleven bushels, equal to a cor or ten ephahs - Le 27:16; Nu 11:32; Isa 5:10; Eze 45:11-14; Ho 3:2

7. An omer, about one bushel - Ex 16:16,18

8. A seah, about a peck and a half - Ge 18:6; 1Sa 25:18; 1Ki 18:32; 2Ki 7:1,16,18

9. A tenth deal, about a gallon, equal to one-tenth of an ephah - Ex 29:40; Le 14:10,21; 23:13,17; 24:5; Nu 15:4,6,9; 28:9,12,13,20,21,29; 29:3,4,9,10,14,15


1. A bath, about eight gallons and a half - 1Ki 7:26,38; 2Ch 2:10; 4:5; Ezr 7:22; Isa 5:10; Eze 45:10,11,14; Lu 16:6

2. A firkin, nearly nine gallons - Joh 2:6

3. A hin, about a gallon and a half - Ex 29:40; 30:24; Le 19:36; 23:13; Nu 15:4-10; 28:5,7,14; Eze 4:11

4. A log, about a pint, one-twelfth of a hin - Le 14:10,12,15,21,24


1. A finger - Jer 52:21

2. A handbreadth - Ex 25:25; 37:12; 1Ki 7:26; 2Ch 4:5; Ps 39:5; Eze 40:5,43; 43:13

3. A span - Ex 28:16; 1Sa 17:4; Isa 40:12; 48:13; La 2:20; Eze 43:13

4. A cubit, the length of a man's forearm

5. A reed, probably six cubits - Eze 40:5

6. A fathom - Ac 27:28

7. A pace - 2Sa 6:13

8. A furlong - Lu 24:13

9. A mile, probably nine-tenths of an English mile - Mt 5:41

10. A Sabbath day's journey, two thousand paces - Ac 1:12

MUST BE JUST - Le 19:35,36; De 25:13-16; Pr 11:1; 16:11; 20:10,23; Ho 12:7-9; Mic 6:10-12



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