Nave's Topical Index

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Ancient use of - Ge 7:11; 8:4

Twelve months reckoned to a year - 1Ch 27:1-15

1. Abib (April)

2. Zif (May) - 1Ki 6:1,37

3. Sivan: (June) - Es 8:9

4. Tammuz (July)

(The number only appears in the Bible)

5. Ab (August)

(Number only mentioned)

6. Elul (September)

7. Ethanim (October) - 1Ki 8:2

8. Bul (November)

9. Chisleu (December) - Ezr 10:9; Jer 36:9,22; Zec 7:1

10. Tebeth (January) - Es 2:16

11. Sebat (February) - Zec 1:7

12. Adar (March) - Es 3:7



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