Nave's Topical Index

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Easton's - Obadiah, Book of
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1. The governor of Ahab's house

2. Head of a family - 1Ch 3:21

3. A descendant of Tola - 1Ch 7:3

4. Son of Azel - 1Ch 8:38; 9:44

5. A Levite - 1Ch 9:16

6. A Gadite warrior who joined David at Ziklag - 1Ch 12:9

7. Father of Ishmaiah - 1Ch 27:19

8. A prince of Judah who instructed the people in the law - 2Ch 17:7-9

9. A Levite

10. A descendant of Joab who returned from Babylon - Ezr 8:9

11. A priest who sealed a covenant with Nehemiah to observe God's law - Ne 10:5

12. A gatekeeper of Jerusalem, under Nehemiah - Ne 12:25

13. A prophet who prophesied the destruction of Edom - Ob 1:1

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