Nave's Topical Index

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1. King of Egypt at the time of Abraham - Ge 12:14-20; Ps 105:14

2. Ruler of Egypt at the time of the famine

3. Ruler of Egypt at the time of the deliverance and exodus of the sons of Israel

4. Father-in-law of Mered - 1Ch 4:18

5. Ruler of Egypt at the time of David - 1Ki 11:17-22

6. Father-in-law of Solomon - 1Ki 3:1; 9:16

7. At the time of Hezekiah - 2Ki 18:21

8. Pharaoh-necho

9. Pharaoh-hophra - Jer 37:4-7; 44; Eze 17:15-17



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