Nave's Topical Index

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Joseph - Ge 39:20-23; 40; 41:1-44

Jeremiah - Jer 38:6-28; 39:14

John the Baptist - Mt 11:2; 14:3-12; Mr 6:17; Lu 3:20

Jesus - Mt 26:47-75; 27; Mr 14:43-72; 15; Lu 22:47-71; 23; Joh 18:3-40; 19

The apostles - Ac 5:17-42

Peter - Ac 12:3-19

Paul - Ac 16:19-40; 21:27-40; 22; 23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28

Silas - Ac 16:19-40

Required to labor - Jud 16:21

Sustained on bread and water of affliction - 1Ki 22:27

In chains - Ac 12:6

In stocks - Pr 7:22; Jer 29:26; Ac 16:24


Visited by friends - Mt 11:2; Ac 24:23

Bound to soldiers - Ac 12:6,7

Severe hardships of, mitigated - Jer 37:20,21

Cruelty to - Jer 38:6; La 3:53,54


Guards responsible for - Ac 12:18,19

Tortured to extort self-incriminating testimony - Ac 22:24

Scourged - Mt 27:26; Mr 15:15; Ac 16:23,33; 2Co 6:5; 11:23,24

Permitted to make defense - Ac 24:10; 25:8,16; 26:1; 2Ti 4:16

Kindness to

To be visited and ministered to - Mt 25:35-46

Released at feasts - Mt 27:15-17; Mr 15:6; Lu 23:17; Joh 18:39


FIGURATIVE - Isa 61:1; Lu 4:18

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