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A MOTIVE TO FAITHFULNESS - Ex 20:6,12; Le 25:18,19; 26:3-45; De 4:40; 6:3,18; 11:13-16,18-21,26-29; 15:9-11; 22:7; 24:19; 25:15; 27:12-26; Jos 8:33; Isa 1:16-20; 3:10; 40:10,11; Jer 17:24-26; 22:3,4; Mt 10:32; 16:24-27; 20:1-16; 25:34-46; Mr 10:21; 13:13; Lu 6:22,23,35; 12:8; Ac 26:18; Ro 2:10; 1Co 3:8; Eph 6:1-3; Heb 10:34,36; 11:26; 12:1,2,28; 1Pe 3:9-12; 2Pe 1:10,11; Re 2:10,17,25-28; 7:14-17; 22:12



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