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Scribe (s)



A writer and transcriber of the law - 2Sa 8:17; 20:25; 1Ki 4:3; 2Ki 12:10; 18:37; 19:2; 1Ch 24:6; 27:32; Ne 13:13; Jer 36:12

The king's secretary (official recordist) - 2Ki 12:10-12; 22:1-14; Es 3:12; 8:9

The mustering officer of the army - 2Ki 25:19; 2Ch 26:11

Instructors in the law - Mt 7:29; 13:52; 17:10; 23:2,3


They test Jesus with questions, bringing to Jesus a woman caught in the act of adultery - Joh 8:3

Members of the council (Sanhedrin) - Mt 2:4

Conspire against Jesus - Mt 26:3,57; 27:41; Mr 14:1; Lu 22:66

Hypocrisy of, reproved by Jesus - Mt 5:20; 9:3; 12:38; 15:1; 16:21; 20:18; 21:15

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