Nave's Topical Index

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Military enrollment of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai - Nu 1; 2

On the plains of Moab - Nu 26

Levies of, in the ratio of one man to ten subject to duty - Jud 20:10

Dressed in scarlet - Na 2:3

Cowards excused from duty as - De 20:8; Jud 7:3

Others exempt from service - De 20:5-9; 24:5

Come to John - Lu 3:14

Mock Jesus - Mt 27:27-31; Mr 15:16-20; Lu 23:11,36,37

Officers concerned in the betrayal of Jesus - Lu 22:4

Crucified Jesus - Mt 27:27,31-37; Mr 15:16-24; Joh 19:23,24

Guard the gravesite of Jesus - Mt 27:65; 28:11-15

Guard prisoners - Ac 12:4-6; 28:16

Maintain the peace - Ac 21:31-35

Their duty as sentinels - Ac 12:19

Perform escort duty - Ac 21:31-33,35; 22:24-28; 23:23,31-33; 27:1,31,42,43; 28:16




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