Nave's Topical Index

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Symbols And Similitudes



Trees of life and knowledge - Ge 2:9,17; 3:3,24; Re 22:2

Rainbow - Ge 9:12,13

Circumcision, of the covenant of Abraham - Ge 17:11; Ro 4:11

Passover, of the sparing of the firstborn, and of the atonement made by Christ - Ex 12:3-28; 1Co 5:7

Of the divine presence, the pillar of cloud - Ex 13:21,22; 14:19,20; 19:9,16

Thunder on Mount Sinai - Ex 19:9,16

Darkness, of God's inscrutability - Ex 20:21; Le 16:2; 1Ki 8:12; Ps 18:11; 97:2; Heb 12:18,19

The rock that was struck, of Christ - Ex 17:6; 1Co 10:4

The sprinkled blood, of the covenant - Ex 24:8

Wine, of the atoning blood - Mt 26:27-29; Mr 14:23-25; Lu 22:17,18,20

The bronze serpent, of Christ - Nu 21:8,9; Joh 3:14

Sacrificial animals - Ge 15:8-11; Joh 1:29,36

Waving the wave offering and lifting up the heave offering - Ex 29:24-28; Le 8:27-29; 9:21

The whole system of Mosaic rites - Heb 9:9,10,18-23

Tabernacle - Ps 15:1; Eze 37:27; Heb 8:2,5; 9:1-12,23,24

Sanctuary - Ps 20:2

Canaan, of the spiritual rest - Heb 3:11,12; 4:5

Salt - Nu 18:19

Offering water to drink - Ge 24:13-15,42-44

Lapping water - Jud 7:4-8

Invitation to approach - 1Sa 14:8-12


Men meeting Saul - 1Sa 10:2-7

Rain and thunder - 1Sa 12:16-18

The torn altar - 1Ki 13:3,5

The tearing of the curtain in the temple - Mt 27:51; Mr 1:38; Lu 23:45

Wounding - 1Ki 20:35-40

Praying toward the temple - 1Ki 8:29; Da 6:10

Harvest - 2Ki 19:29

Isaiah's children - Isa 8:18

Nakedness - Isa 20:2-4

Almond rod - Jer 1:11

Sticks and staves - Eze 37:16,17; Zec 11:7,10,11,14

Food - 2Ki 19:29; Isa 37:30

Shadow on Ahaz' sun-dial - 2Ki 20:8-11; Isa 38:7,8

Cooking - Jer 1:13; Eze 4:9-15; 24:3-5

Belt - Jer 13:1-7; Ac 21:11

Bottles - Jer 13:12; 19:1,2,10

Breaking of a potter's vessel - Jer 19

Good and bad figs - Jer 24

Basket of fruit - Jer 24:1-3; Am 8:1,2

Wine - Jer 25:15-17; Mt 26:27; Mr 14:23; Lu 22:17

Yokes - Jer 27:2,3; 28:10

Jeremiah's deeds of land - Jer 32:1-16

The book thrown into the Euphrates River - Jer 51:63

Being mute - Eze 3:26,27; 24:27; 29:21; 33:22; Lu 1:20-22,62-64

A siege - Eze 4:1-3

Posture - Eze 4:4-8

Ceremonially unclean food - Eze 4:9-17

Ezekiel's beard - Eze 5:1-4

Change of domicile - Eze 12:3-11

Eating bread with alertness - Eze 12:17-20

Eating and drinking in fear - Eze 12:18

A vine - Eze 15:2; 19:10-14

Death - Eze 24:16-19

A boiling pot - Eze 24:1-5

Mourning forbidden - Eze 24:15-18

Two sticks - Eze 37:15-28

Handwriting on the wall - Da 5:5,6,16-28

The plumb-line - Am 7:7,8

Marrying a whore - Ho 1:2-9; 3:1-4

Roll - Zec 5:2-4

Ephah - Zec 5:6-11

Jonah - Mt 16:4; Lu 11:29,30

The star in the east - Mt 2:2

The rock that was struck - 1Co 10:4; Ex 17:6

Salt - Col 4:6

Bread - Mt 26:26; Mr 14:22; Lu 22:19

Childhood - Mt 18:3; Mr 10:14,15; Lu 18:16,17

Manna - Joh 6:31-58




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