Nave's Topical Index

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Used for a dwelling - Ge 4:20

By Noah - Ge 9:21

By Abraham - Ge 12:8; 13:18; 18:1

By Lot - Ge 13:5

By Moses - Ex 18:7

By the people of Israel - Nu 24:5,6; 2Sa 20:1; 1Ki 12:16

By the Midianites - Jud 6:5

By Cushites - Hab 3:7

By Arabians - Isa 13:20

By shepherds - Isa 38:12; Jer 6:3

Women had separate tents from men - Ge 24:67; 31:33

Used for cattle - 2Ch 14:15

The manufacture of - Ac 18:3

Used as a place of worship



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