Nave's Topical Index

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Jesus set an example of - Mt 11:25; 26:27; Joh 11:41

The heavenly host engage in - Re 4:9; 7:11,12; 11:16,17

Commanded - Ps 50:14

Should be offered

Should be accompanied by intercession for others - 1Ti 2:1; 2Ti 1:3; Phm 1:4

Should always accompany prayer - Ne 11:17; Php 4:6; Col 4:2

Should always accompany praise - Ps 92:1; Heb 13:15

Expressed in psalms - 1Ch 16:7

Ministers appointed to offer, in public - 1Ch 16:4,7; 23:30; 2Ch 31:2

Saints exhorted to - Ps 105:1; Col 3:15

Resolve to offer - Ps 18:49; 30:12

Habitually offer - Da 6:10

Offer sacrifices of - Ps 116:17

Abound in the faith with - Col 2:7

Magnify God by - Ps 69:30

Come before God with - Ps 95:2

Should enter God's gates with - Ps 100:4

Of hypocrites, full of boasting - Lu 18:11

The wicked averse to - Ro 1:21

EXEMPLIFIED - Ge 32:10; 48:11,15,16; Ex 15:1-21; Nu 21:17,18; 1Ki 8:56; 1Ch 29:14; Ezr 7:27; Ps 9:1,2,4; 13:6; 22:23-25; 26:7; 28:7; 30:1,3,11,12; 31:7,21; 35:9,10,18; 40:2,3,5; 41:11,12; 44:7,8; 54:6,7; 56:12,13; 59:16,17; 66:8,9,12-16,20; 68:19; 71:15,23,24; 79:13; 89:1; 92:1,2,4; 98:1; 100:4; 102:18-20; 104:1; 116:12-14,17; 119:65,108; 136:1-26; Isa 63:7; Da 2:23; 4:2,34; 6:22; Ac 2:46,47; 28:15; Ro 14:6; Col 1:3; 1Ti 1:12

ENJOINED - Ge 35:1; Ex 12:14,17,42; 13:3,8-10,14-16; 16:32; 34:26; Le 19:24; 23:14; De 12:18; 16:9-15; 26:10; Jud 5:11; Ps 48:11; 50:14,15; 98:1; 105:1-45; 106:1; 107:1,2,15,22,42,43; 118:1,4; Pr 3:9,10; Ec 7:14; Isa 48:20; Joe 2:26; Ro 2:4; 15:27; Eph 5:4,19,20; Php 4:6; Col 1:12; 2:7; 3:15-17; 4:2; 1Th 5:18; 1Ti 2:1; 4:3-5; Heb 13:15; Jas 1:9






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