Nave's Topical Index

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A mode of revelation - Nu 12:6; 1Sa 3:1; 2Ch 26:5; Ps 89:19; Pr 29:18; Jer 14:14; 23:16; Da 1:17; Ho 12:10; Joe 2:28; Ob 1:1; Hab 2:2; Ac 2:17

Of Abraham

Of Jacob

Of Joshua

Of Moses

Of the Israelites

Of Balaam

Of Elisha

Of Elisha's servant

Of Micaiah

Of David

Of Job

Of Isaiah

Of Jeremiah

Of Ezekiel

Of Daniel

Of Amos

Of Zechariah

Of Zacharias

Of John the Baptist

Peter, James, and John

Of the people

Of Stephen

Of Paul

Of Ananias

Of Cornelius, the centurion

Of Peter

Of John on the island of Patmos


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