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Vows of, binding - Nu 30:9

When they are daughters of priests, they are to be supported by their fathers - Le 22:13

Priests forbidden to marry - Le 21:14

Marriage of, authorized - Ro 7:3; 1Co 7:39

Widows' dower

UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO - Ex 22:22-24; De 10:18; 14:28,29; 16:11-14; 24:17,19-21; 25:5-10; 27:19; Job 22:5,9; 24:3,21; 29:13; 31:16,22; Ps 68:5; 94:6; 146:9; Pr 15:25; Isa 1:17,23; 10:1,2; Jer 7:6,7; 22:3; 49:11; Eze 22:7; Zec 7:10; Mal 3:5; Mt 23:14; Mr 12:40; Lu 20:47; 1Co 7:8,9; 1Ti 5:3-6,9-12,16




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