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Zechariah (zecharias)



1. A Reubenite - 1Ch 5:7

2. Three Levites in the days of David - 1Ch 9:21; 15:18,20,24; 16:5; 26:2,14

3. A Benjamite - 1Ch 9:37

4. Two Kohathites - 1Ch 24:25; 2Ch 34:12

5. A Merarite porter in the temple - 1Ch 26:11

6. Father of Iddo - 1Ch 27:21

7. A prince sent by Jehoshaphat along with priests and Levites to teach in the cities - 2Ch 17:7

8. A Levite, and father of Jahaziel - 2Ch 20:14

9. Son of Jehoshaphat - 2Ch 21:2

10. High priest, and son or grandson of Jehoiada

11. A prophet during the reign of Uzziah - 2Ch 26:5

12. A ruler of the temple - 2Ch 35:8

13. The prophet

14. Two chiefs who returned with Ezra - Ezr 8:3,11,16

15. Name of various Jews after the captivity - Ezr 10:26; Ne 8:4; 11:4,5,12; 12:16

16. A priest and temple musician - Ne 12:35,41

17. Perhaps identical with number eleven above - Isa 8:2

18. A Levite during the reign of Hezekiah - 2Ch 29:13




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