Nave's Topical Index

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Creation of, on the fifth creative day - Ge 1:20-30

Man's dominion over - Ge 1:26,28; 9:2,3; Ps 8:5-8; Jer 27:6; Da 2:38; Jas 3:7

Appointed for food - Ge 9:2,3; De 14:11-20

What species were unclean - Le 11:13-20; De 14:12-19

Used for sacifice


Divine care of - Job 38:41; Ps 147:9; Mt 10:29; Lu 12:6,24

Songs of, at the break of day - Ps 104:12; Ec 12:4; So 2:12

Domesticated - Job 41:5; Jas 3:7

Solomon's proverbs of - 1Ki 4:33

Nests of - Ps 104:17; Mt 8:20; 13:32

Instincts of - Pr 1:17

Habits of - Job 39:13-18,26-30

Migrate - Jer 8:7

Moses' law protected the mother from being taken with the young - De 22:6,7

Cages of - Jer 5; 27; Re 18:2


FIGURATIVE - Isa 16:2; 46:11; Jer 12:9; Eze 39:4



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