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General scriptures concerning - Ex 13:8-10; 20:3-17; De 4:5,9,10; 5:6-21; 6:4-9; 11:18-21; 32:46,47; Jos 8:30-35; 2Ch 17:7-9; Ne 8:2-8; Ps 78:1-7; Pr 3:3,4; 6:20,21; 7:1-4; Isa 57:8; Jer 11:4; Zec 7:9,10; 8:16,17

PRECEPTS OF JESUS. EXPLICITLY STATED, OR IMPLIED IN DIDACTIC DISCOURSE - Mt 5:16,22-24,27-48; 6:1-4,6-8,16-25,31-34; 7:1-29; 10:5-42; 16:24; 18:8-10,15-17,21,22; 19:16-19; 20:25-28; 22:21,34-40; 24:42-51; 25:34-46; Mr 6:7-11; 8:34; 9:35,38,39,42-50; 10:9,11,12,17-22; 11:22; 12:17; 13:33-37; Lu 6:27-42; 10:28-37; 12:12-31; Joh 7:24; 13:34,35; 14:11,15,23,24; 15:2,4,5,7-12,14,17,20-22

PRECEPTS OF PAUL. EXPLICITLY STATED OR IMPLIED IN DIDACTIC EPISTLES - Ro 12:1-3,6-21; 13:8-14; 14:19-21; 15:1,2; 1Co 8:1,7-13; 10:7-10,24,28,29,31,32; 14:20; 16:13,14; 2Co 13:7; Ga 5:1,16; 6:1,2; Eph 4:1-3,26-32; 5:1-6,11,15,17-21; 6:10,11,13-18; Php 1:27,28; 2:2-8,12-16; 4:6,8,9; Col 2:6,16,20-23; 3:1,2,5,8,9,12-17,23; 1Th 3:12; 4:1,3,5,6,9-12; 5:6,8,12-22; 2Th 2:15; 3:6-15; 1Ti 1:4; 2:1,2,8-12; 3:2-13; 4:1-7,12-16; 5:1-14,16-21; 6:11-14,17-20; 2Ti 1:13,14; 2:19,22-25; 3:2-5; Tit 1:5-14; 2:2-5,9-12; 3:1,2,8; Heb 6:1,11,12; 10:22-25; 13:1-3,5,7,9,15-17


OF MEN - Isa 29:13; Mt 15:3-20; Mr 7:2-23; Ro 14:1-6,10-23; 1Ti 4:1-3

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