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Torrey's - Prophets, False




Called SEERS - 1Sa 9:19; 2Sa 15:27; 24:11; 2Ki 17:13; 1Ch 9:22; 29:29; 2Ch 9:29; 12:15; 29:30; Isa 30:10; Mic 3:7

Schools of - 1Ki 20:35; 2Ki 2:3-15; 4:1,38; 9:1

Kept the chronicles - 1Ch 29:29; 2Ch 9:29; 12:15

Counselors to kings - Isa 37:2,3

Not honored in their own country - Mt 13:57; Lu 4:24-27; Joh 4:44

Inspired by angels - Zec 1:9,13,14,19; Ac 7:53; Ga 3:19; Heb 2:2

Persecutions of - 2Ch 36:16; Am 2:12

Martyrs - Jer 2:30; Mt 23:37; Mr 12:5; Lu 13:34; 1Th 2:15; Heb 11:37; Re 16:6


FALSE - 1Ki 13:18; Ne 6:12; Jer 23:25-27,30-32; La 2:14

INSPIRATION OF - Ge 40:8; 41:16,38,39; Ex 3:14,15; 4:12,15,27; 6:13,29; 7:2; 19:3,9,19; 24:16; 25:9,22; 26:30; 33:9,11; 35:31,35; Nu 1:1; 7:89; 9:8-10; 11:17,25; 12:6-8; 16:28,29; 22:18,38; 23:5,12,20,26; 24:2-4,15,16; Le 1:1; De 1:5,6; 5:4-6,31; 34:9-11; Jos 3:7; Jud 6:7-10,34; 11:29; 13:25; 14:6,19; 1Sa 3:1,4-10,20,21; 9:6,15-20; 10:6,7,10; 16:13; 19:20,23,24; 2Sa 7:3-7; 12:1; 23:2,3; 1Ki 13:20; 14:5; 17:1,24; 18:36,46; 19:9; 22:14,28; 2Ki 1:12; 2:9,15; 3:11,12,15; 4:27; 5:8; 6:8-12,17,32; 10:10; 1Ch 12:18; 21:18; 28:11,12,19; 2Ch 8:14; 15:1; 18:27; 20:14; 24:20; 26:5; 33:18; 36:12,15; Ezr 5:1,2; Ne 9:30; Job 32:8; 33:14-16; Ps 103:7; Isa 6:1-9; 8:11; 44:26; 63:11; Jer 1:1,2,4-10; 2:1; 7:1,25; 11:1,18; 13:1-3; 16:1; 18:1; 20:9; 23:9; 24:4; 25:3; 26:1,2,12; 27:1,2; 29:30; 33:1; 34:1; 42:4,7; Eze 1:1,3,20; 2:1,2,4,5; 3:10-12,14,16,17,22,24,27; 8:1; 11:1,4,5,24; 33:22; 37:1; 40:1; 43:5; Da 1:17; 2:19; 7:16; 8:16; 9:1-22; 10:7-9; Ho 1:1,2; 12:10; Joe 2:28,29; Am 3:7,8; 7:7,14,15; 9:1; Ob 1:1; Jon 1:1; 3:1,2; Mic 1:1; 3:8; Hab 3:2,16; Hag 1:13; Zec 1:1,7; 2:9; 7:12; Mr 12:36; Lu 1:15,41,67,70; 2:25-27; 3:2; Joh 1:6; Ac 2:2-4,30; 3:18; 7:55,56; 8:29,39; 11:28; 21:4,10,11; 28:25; Ro 1:1,2; 1Co 12:7-11; 14:32; Heb 1:1; 3:5; Jas 5:10; 1Pe 1:10,11; 2Pe 1:21; Jude 1:14; Re 2:7; 10:7; 14:13; 22:6,8



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